NFL QB Rating Calculator

Update: February 14th, 2010
NFL QB Passer Rating Calculator
Pass Attempts:
Pass Completions:
Passing Yards:
Touchdown Passes:
All fields are required. Do not include commas.

How To Calculate Passer Rating

  1. Required Stats
    • Pass Attempts
    • Pass Completions
    • Passing Yards
    • Passing Touchdowns
    • Interceptions
  2. Compute these four calculations.
    1. Completion Percentage
      1. Find completion percentage.
      2. Subtract 30 from completion percentage.
      3. Multiply the result by 0.05.

      • If result is less than zero (0) then assign it a zero (0).
      • If result is greater than 2.375 then assign it 2.375.
    2. Average Yards Gained Per Attempt
      1. Find average yards gained per attempt.
      2. Subtract 3 from yards-per-attempt.
      3. Multiply the result by 0.25.

      • If result is less than zero (0) then assign it a zero (0).
      • If result is greater than 2.375 then assign it 2.375.
    3. Touchdown Percentage
      1. Calculate percentage of touchdowns per attempt.
      2. Multiply the result by 0.2.

      • If result is less than zero (0) then assign it a zero (0).
      • If result is greater than 2.375 then assign it 2.375.
    4. Interception Percentage
      1. Calculate percentage of interceptions per attempt.
      2. Multiply the result 0.25.
      3. Subtract the result from 2.375.

      • If result is less than zero (0) then assign it a zero (0).
      • If result is greater than 2.375 then assign it 2.375.
  3. Add the four results together to get a new number.
  4. Divide that number by six (6).
  5. Multiply that number by 100 and that is the passer rating (usually rounded to 1 decimal place).