A Couple of Updates

September 18th, 2009 | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Well about a week has passed since having sent off my mother to for RMA, and they have shipped it back. It still in transit and according to FedEx it will arrive on Monday, the 21st. Hopefully it will fix any issues I was having with the random crashes and BSOD. If not, then I suppose the next logical course of action would be to replace the PSU.

The second update is I have been recalled by my old job, working at the only BMW manufacturing plant in the US, so obviously I won't be around as much as I have since being laid off. I am working a normal shift (finally!!!), so it won't be too bad. I will still be around in the afternoons, but the time spent in the early morning hours programming and answering tech support e-mails are gone. This is by no means an end to the script, just a cut back in the time I have to spend developing it (about 40 hours per week, lol).

Next, once I get my main computer back up and running I plan on releasing the new version of the WordPress plugin that the script uses which adds a strongSHIT TON/strong of new features. Here are some new additions.

  • Configure the script via the WordPress dashboard. This will basically give you a front-end to configure the script and its various options.
  • Edit wowhead.css and armory.css in a GUI environment. You still need to know CSS, but it will make editing the CSS files much easier.
  • Completely remove the script, but why would you do that?
  • The plugin will automatically add the necessary calls to the script's parser, as well as add the JS and CSS files to the head of your site.
  • I am toying with the idea of allowing you to update the script by remotely downloading the updates, but that's still on the drawing board.
  • You can create, clear, or delete the necessary SQL tables for the cache. Requires the script's SQL tables to be in WordPress' database.

I would also like to get back to the complete rewrite of the back-end code that makes the armory and guild modules work. In their current state they are hit or miss with displaying the information properly. Not to mention that if your site does get blocked by the armory it displays all kinds of PHP notices and/or warnings. Currently the modules are based off of the phpArmory class, which reads the armory's XML files and parses them into an array. This seems too inefficient to me because of PHP5's integrated SimpleXML functions, not to mention to the best of my knowledge phpArmory is no longer being maintained. I plan on using SimpleXML to quickly parse the XML files and extract all the information the script needs to work properly. This will also allow me to properly handle any errors the armory gives, or if your site gets block it will know that as well. I would also like to use updated versions of clueTip and jQuery, the JavaScript that actually makes the tooltips work. The rewrites should be far less code, seeing as the XML to array functions are no longer needed. It will take a bit of rewriting to the tooltip templates, but I don't expect it to be too bad.

Okay well that's all I have for this evening, so stay tuned and I will keep you updated as to what's going on with my motherboard and the script in general. As always if you want you can contact me or follow this script on Twitter. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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